A special stated meeting of Huguenot Lodge No. 377, Free and Accepted Masons Will be held at the:

Huguenot Lodge #377 18 Crystal Cave Road (Kutztown,PA)
Saturday, January 18th, 2025

The Program for the meeting will be "State of the Lodge”.

The menu will be Pork and Sauerkraut with mashed potatoes, carrots, and apple sauce. Dessert will be Shoe-fly Pie and Ice Cream. RSVP for a rough meal count by calling the Worshipful Master or the Secretary by January 15th.


The Worshipful Master will honor those present this evening who are celebrating their Masonic Birthday. Please make an effort to attend this meeting.

Note: The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania does not permit a member’s name to be published on the internet without his permission.
Please see your printed (mailed) copy for the names of the members who are celebrating their Masonic birthday this month.